April is warming up nicely and we are looking forward to sitting out in the garden to catch a bit of sun. A few brave residents have already ventured outside.
We have plans to transform the rear garden this year by extending the patio area and creating a sensory garden, building raised flower beds, installing a potting shed and creating various seating areas. Work will commence October 2018. We are all very excited about this huge project.
Thank you to everyone who donated Easter Eggs and joined in the raffle. We raised over £50, which will go into our residents fund.
The dog show was a great success. We all spent time cuddling the tiny Chihuahua puppy 'Norman', and watched the other dogs perform tricks and one even played the piano. Clever dogs !!
Our monthly visit from Dimples Children's Nursery is always an exciting time for us and the children too. Six little ones come to sing and play games in our lounge and chat with us. We join in and play musical instruments with them and watch them play with balloons and skittles etc.
We will be starting our very own Choir at Fairby. We have lots of beautiful voices amongst us that love to sing. Andrea, one of our Care Staff is putting together some music and song sheets so that everyone can join in. X Factor here we come.