November / December 2017

The year is running away with us..... We are now practicing for our Christmas play, 'The Twelve Days of Christmas', which will be performed by our residents at our Christmas party during December.

We have been making props for the production and singing it every day with Mel.  We certainly know the words off by heart now.  

Bertie - our own Minibus arrived and we have ventured out twice already.  We love Bertie as we are all together when we go out and about.  We went out to our monthly get together at the  Memory Cafe in Hartley, where we get to have a chat with others over a nice cuppa and a biscuit or two.  We were very lucky to be invited to the Longfield Academy Christmas Event, where some children spoilt us with coffee / tea, sandwiches, cakes and minced pies.  We all sang Christmas carols and had a Jolly time.   

During December we were entertained by Dave Smiler - who sang to us at our Christmas party.  It was so lovely to see so many relatives joining us for minced pies and mulled wine.  All donations and raffle money received goes straight into our Residents Fund.  A great party indeed!!  Our production of The Twelve Days of Christmas was such fun - residents and relatives all joined in with holding props, singing and dancing.

Also, during December, we had a visit from a local Concertina Band.  We were amazed by their talent at playing these interesting instruments.

More trips out in Bertie will be organised to Bluewater, local garden centres and more......

Merry Christmas from all at Fairby Grange.

Posted on December 9, 2017 .

October 2017

Autumn is upon is but the colder days doesn't stop us from venturing out and having fun.  Some residents attended a 'Song & Dance' afternoon at our local Church Hall.  We danced, sang and had a lovely afternoon tea.  

Another local event held at the Church Hall is a monthly 'Luncheon Club', where some residents enjoyed a 2 course lunch.  This was a lovely way to get chatting with others over a delicious lunch.  We will certainly be attending this event again soon.

We have started to prepare for our Christmas Production.  Mel, our Activities lady has decided that our Residents will star in our very own showcase of 'The 12 days of Christmas'.  Auditions have already begun for star roles.

Some residents attend 'Knit & Knatter', a bi-monthly event held at our local library.  We get to chat with other like minded people, have a cuppa and get on with our knitting or other crafts we have on the go.  However, this time was a bit different - we ended up babysitting a little baby that was visiting the library with her mother.(see photo gallery).  Our ladies love this time where they get to socialise with others outside the home. 

Karen, our lovely Manager has invited the 'Knit & Knatter' group over to Fairby for a Christmas Craft session, including mulled wine and mince pies.   

BIG NEWS - There is going to be a wedding - one of our Senior Carers, Ann is getting married.  Ann has very kindly invited her colleagues and our residents to her big day.  I'm sure everyone will have a super day watching Ann get married and party on throughout the evening.  All the best for the future Ann!!

Upcoming events for November /  December

8th Wednesday - Music for Health

11th Saturday - RAF Party - our Annual invite from our good RAF friends

11th Saturday - Ann's wedding - Some residents are attending her wedding.

17th Friday - Luncheon Club

17th Friday - Knit & Knatter

20th Monday - Dave Smiler - Musician will be entertaining.

9th December Saturday - Christmas Party 2-5pm.  Production of 'The 12 Days of Christmas' featuring our Residents



Posted on November 8, 2017 .

September 2017

During September, we held our second Spa day in the Home.  All monies received went towards our Macmillan Coffee Morning on 29th September 2017, where we raised £197.54.  Thank you to those who baked delicious cakes and to those who joined us and very generously donated to this good cause.

Residents have been helping Mel prepare bunting for our next themed night - 'Cockney Night'.  Bob, one of our Chefs, will be cooking a Cockney traditional dinner of Pie, Mash and Liquor and we will be having a seafood selection during the evening.  Jellied eels, welks, cockles and mussels are on the menu.  

Upcoming events for October:

7th  - Cockney night

11th - Music for Health

18th - Song & Dance at All Saints Church

20th - Luncheon Club at The Fawkham & Hartley Church Hall

24th - Singer 'The Quiet Man'

31st - Zoo Lab will be visiting with Furry animals

Posted on October 10, 2017 .