Happy New Year !
We have started the year off where we left it - having a fun time together. This year for the first time, we asked the Members of our local 'Knit & Knatter' to join us for coffee and nibbles. Knit & Knatter usually meet at the Hartley library every fortnight, but Karen, Fairby's manager, thought it would be nice to hold the meeting at Fairby. Our snug room was busy with chatting, eating nibbles and knitting. It was such a huge success. Our residents have made some lovely friendships from Knit & Knatter.
Our Christmas party was a joyful event and we raised a whopping £310 for our residents fund, which goes some way towards entertainment, outings of our residents choice. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously on the night.
We celebrated Elvis Presley's birthday on Monday 8th January with music by Storm King. He sang Elvis songs and we all had a little dance and giggle.
Bertie, our minibus has now been sign written and looks fantastic. Keep a look out for us !!
More events coming up in January
Friday 12th - Outing to Millbrook garden centre
Wednesday 17th - Armchair dancing
Thursday 18th - Sing along at Wellfield village hall.
Friday 19th - Knit & Knatter
Wednesday 24th - Burns Night Luncheon
Friday 26th - Luncheon Club - All Saints Village Hall