May / June 2015

Now the weather is turning brighter and warmer the Gardening Club at Fairby has begun.  Some residents helped fill the vegetable planter with a whopping 8 bags of compost.

They have planted vegetables such as beetroot, spring onions, lettuce and radishes.  All we have to do now is to look after them.  We are lucky to have some dedicated green fingered residents who love gardening and tendering to these vegetables.  We are all hoping for a bumper stock of produce.  Our cooks are excited to reap the benefits of the residents hard work. 

There's nothing quite like eating your own fresh produce straight from the garden!!

We have organised our favourite day trip - A Boat trip with a Picnic.  We have a minibus all set to take us to the River Medway where we will enjoy floating down the river.  Our cooks will prepare a lovely picnic for us to enjoy before heading back home.  A truly enjoyable day.  Fingers crossed the weather stays sunny and warm!!

Our yearly Garden Fete will be held in August this year, and preparations will begin to make it yet another exciting event in our calendar.  An added treat this year to be organised is 'Miss or Mr Fairby Grange'.  Who will the lucky lady or gentleman be??  Make sure you see the photos later on in the year.


Posted on May 19, 2015 .