
We have our own ‘Activities Co-ordinator’, Nicki, who organises a range of activities to suit your interests, needs, mobility and capabilities. This includes things such as music and movement to walks in the grounds or even a spot of gardening. We also feel it is important for our residents to remain mentally active, and therefore, Nicki will organise brain stimulating activities such as  ‘Reminiscence sessions’, and quiz games.

If you have a particular hobby, bring it with you.  We will do everything we can to help you continue with  your favourite hobby.

Nicki, arranges a wide variety of activities throughout the year. Summer Garden Parties and Christmas parties are a real favourite. Themed lunches are held on special days such as, Valentines, Halloween, St George's Day, St David's Day and St Patrick's Day.

Other activities include bingo, card sessions, movement to music, drawing and painting, Easter bonnet making, manicures, sing-along’s, Scrabble, Ludo, film shows with ice creams and popcorn, knitting and outings to places of interest and shopping excursions.

Community Activities - we are very involved within our Local Community, visiting our local community every week for Music sessions and Memory Cafe.  Our residents love going out and meeting up with other people of all ages in our community.  We are lucky to have a very supportive Community Welfare Officer, who always visits us to keep us up to date with whats going on in and around Hartley.

Relatives and friends are also encouraged to attend our social events such as resident’s Christmas Party, Summer Garden parties and Entertainment Evenings.

Nicki will also arrange trips to the library, theatres, garden centres for cups of tea.  During the summer months Nicki will arrange a Boat Trip from Wateringbury on the river Medway for a picnic.

Gardening – Planting flowers, bulbs and vegetables.